Women vow to restore peace to the North West Region

North West: Women have vowed to restore peace to the North West region Women in the North West region and beyond have taken the commitment to restore peace among citezens of the region and the country.Grouped under several organizations and associations aimed at peace building, the women have recently been using social events to highlight […]

Women vow to restore peace to the North West Region Lire la suite »

School Financed by CEC-PROM MATURE rated second in 2021 in Cameroon

2021 a vu la CEC-PROM MATURE financer plusieurs écoles primaires, secondaires et même Universitaires. Parmi ces écoles financées, L’ÉCOLE CHRIST AMBASSADOR’S FEBE VILLAGE à Yaoundé II  de la promotrice Mme MESUMBE DORA NZELLE est financée chaque année académique par la CEC-PROM MATURE. En 2021, cette école a été financée à hauteur de 17 000 000

School Financed by CEC-PROM MATURE rated second in 2021 in Cameroon Lire la suite »

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